Siobhan Skerritt, M. Ed

DEI Advocate and Coach

Siobhan Skerritt is a first generation Afro-Latina (in education and to the USA) who was raised in New Jersey. Her background in Social Work and Education led her to building a career as a helping professional. 

Spending years in public service and higher education, Siobhan created policies and initiatives to support those whose voices needed to be heard, educated campus communities about consent and healthy relationships, and gave space for folks to unapologetically be who they feel they truly are. 

Now in the DEI space in tech, Siobhan continues to champion for equity through 1:1 coaching. The quantitative and qualitative data she captures is shared with the business to help with building strategy for  sustainable systemic change. Her commitment to the folks she serves is fierce and is always sprinkled with a strong ethic of care.